Lets Talk About What Matters

I am a Democrat, but more importantly I am an American and a Douglas County resident, just like you.
My platform will represent YOU no matter who you are:
Democrat, Republican, or Unaffliated, your voice is important to my campaign.
Together, we are one Douglas County.


The United States has entered an era of politics marked by conflict and division, affecting local communities across the nation like those in our own Douglas County.
As your next County Commissioner, I will ease political tensions to restore Community within our local government. To solve the issues affecting you, I believe there is no room for bickering and stalemate.


Modern American politics often omits the crucial aspect of government on which our very Republic sits: Popular Sovereignty. Having lived in Douglas County for almost 2 decades, I recognize the importance of not just community, but of equal representation for the people. Local politics and representation are inherently intertwined. Unfortunately, political partisanship has led Douglas County astray from true representation. I don’t care what political party you are; I want to know what issues you want addressed. I am here to represent you, The People.


More than ever, we live in a time where Transparency and Government seem incompatible. It only makes sense that the election for County Commissioner is frequently overlooked. Despite the crucial role the Board of Commissioners play, the recent controversies of the Board have caused many to lose faith in the office. That’s why outreach is a keystone of my campaign. I want to hear from you, the Constituents. I want you to be informed on Board meetings so that you can hold your Commissioners accountable.

Fiscal Responsibility

Where and how taxpayer dollars are spent is a big issue in Douglas County. We are all tired of seeing our county money wasted - on incumbent campaigns, legal infighting, and personal gain. As your next County Commissioner, my policy will be guided by Fiscal Responsibility. County money will be directed towards addressing your concerns, not for lining any pockets.

Policy Matters

Douglas County has seen large population growth within the last twelve years. As of 2022 there has been a 31% increase for population since 2010 making us one of the fastest growing county's in the country. For comparison, the population in the US grew 7.7% and the population in Colorado grew 15.7% during that period (usafacts.org). This growth is beginning to make Douglas County unsustainable which will affect us negatively in the near future. Here are some ways we can begin to fix the problem.

Affordable Housing

In Douglas County there is little to no affordable housing. There are a large number of workers who cannot afford to live in the area, but instead commute for work. This makes it harder for them to accept employment in the area. If the lower end of the housing market is out of reach for too many people, it can lock up the entire market, creating a domino effect so that most people cannot buy a home. At the end of the day, accessibility for housing is key to creating a fair housing market. Keeping lower income brackets out of the market is unsustainable and drives essential workers away from Douglas County.


Water is an essential part of life and we are currently facing an issue with access to it in Douglas County. These are just some of the steps we can take to make water less of a pressing issue within Douglas County and Highlands Ranch, rather than spending millions of dollars in infrastructure and legal fees to pipe water here. Not only is it fiscally smarter, but it is far more environmentally conscious as well. It is crucial to change our practices whether it be through reusing & recycling water, the removal of Kentucky Bluegrass, better desert landscaping, or indoor/outdoor metering.


Have you considered how long a drive to Denver can take now in comparison to just a few years ago? It can take forever! Reliable public transportation in Douglas County has not been able to keep up with the traffic and fast growing infrastructure in the area. Taking a lightrail or even a bus can be much faster nowadays with reliable on-time transport and more accessible stations. Would a trip downtown with public transportation be easier for you?

Paid for by Josh Smith for Douglas County Commissioner District 3. Registered agent Josh Smith.